Bileipada, 11th June 2018. Vermicomposting is the decomposition of organic material by earthworms. Excellent quality compost can be produced in ambient temperature conditions within short time using the process. Vermicompost plays an important role in improving growth and yield of different field crops like vegetables, flowers & fruit crops. Commercial production of vermicompost has turned out to be a profitable business in recent years. To help small farming households living in the periphery take advantage of the same, Vidya Shakti Niyas recently organized a vermicompost training program for local villagers in its Training Hall. Mr S Sahoo & Mr P Pradhan, both experts in the subject, conducted the training. More than 47 villagers attended the program. Prominent guests present during the occasion included Mr R Somnath, Head (CSR, BE & S), Mrs Ratna Chattopadhyay, Mr Abinash Nayak, Mr Mahesh Rathi (all Trustees, VSN) along with several volunteers.