Bileipada, 13 April 2017. Saraswati Shishu Mandir School organized their 21st School Annual Day in their school premises at Bileipada. The school is a temple of education for a number of students coming from nearby villages. The program included presentation of school annual report, prize distribution for various competitive events & a multicolored cultural program presented by the students. Eminent speakers addressed the students and all present. Prominent guests present were Mrs Rosalie Mishra, Secretary (VSN), representatives from Tata Steel, Jindal, Shree Metaliks, village representatives, school President & Secretary among others. A huge gathering including parents, guests and local villagers witnessed the program.
Vidya Shakti Niyas felicitated Smruti Rekha Mahakud, a multi talented sportsperson from Class IX for her successful performance at the State level athletic competition & for her selection in the national levels. VSN presented the young sportsperson with a medal & token gift while encouraging other students to take up sports along with normal school curriculum. The program ended with a vote of thanks to all who contributed in making the event a success.