Basudevpur, 11th January 2017. The Govt Girls’ High School at Basudevpur organized their Annual Day function with support from Vidya Shakti Niyas. The institution situated about 5 km from Bileipada, is a beautiful residential school for girls belonging to nearby villages. The school is a center of education for 381 girls from across the region. Several guests attended the program, including the Chief Speaker, Lecturer Chardrashekhar College, Mr Trilochan Palei (Tata Sponge), Mrs Rosalie Misha, Secretary (VSN), Mrs Snigdha Tripathy & Mrs Jolly Pattnaik, both Trustees (VSN). The children presented a cultural presentation for the guests and audience. Prizes sponsored by Vidya Shakti Niyas were distributed among children having won in various categories in recently concluded Annual Sports. The school management thanked VSN for their support in the event.