Bileipada, 23-25 March 2017. Vidya Shakti recently collaborated with St John Ambulance, Odisha for a First Aid Training Program organized for 45 villagers belonging to surrounding community. The participants included members of local youth club, Anganwadi staff and others. The 3 day program organized at L&D Centre, Bileipada was conducted by Mr Ratikanta Nath from St John Ambulance, Bhubaneswar, who shared his expertise in conducting similar workshops. The program included a free first-aid kit besides assistance in certification from St John Ambulance. Also present during the event were Mrs Rosalie Mishra, Secretary, Mrs Jolly Pattnaik, Trustee, Mrs Snigdha Tripathy, Trustee Dr Ramesha from Tata Sponge and other volunteers.
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