Visit to Vermicompost Project

Ramachandrapur, 28th May 2019. Vidya Shakti Niyas volunteers & staff made a site visit to Ramchandrapur Vermi Compost project to assess the progress on the developments. Mr. Rabi Narayan Sahu, an expert on vermicompost expressed satisfaction on the development of the project & declared the material suitable for use.


Mushroom Training Program

Bileipada, 18th May 2019. Vidya Shakti Niyas organized a Mushroom Training Program in its training hall with an objective to empower rural women through SHGs. Around 40 women were imparted with theoretical and practical training on mushroom cultivation. Mr. Japan Sethi, an expert on the subject, conducted the session. Mrs. Rosalie Mishra, Secretary (VSN), Mrs. Nibedita Mishra, Trustee, Mrs. Sujata Swain, other VSN staff & volunteers attended the program which encouraged the rural ladies towards new livelihood opportunities.
